Saturday, March 8, 2008

Is the Baby coming soon??

On Thursday at 10 a.m. I went in for a Doctor appointment. My blood pressure was just a little bit high, I'd gained 10 lbs AGAIN over the last two weeks, I was dialated to a "2", and they found protein in my urine sample (lovely, I know you all wanted to know that). Anyway, the Doc came in and told me my body is retaining water (which I already kind of knew since lately my fingers, toes, ankles, and shins have been swelling...which never happened with my first pregnancy) and reassured me that the weight would come off during the couple days after delivery which was encouraging since I have been getting REALLY depressed everytime they weigh me...even though visually my hubby and I can't really figure out exactly where all the weight is going. So anyway...I got sent downstairs to the good old Labor & Delivery with another woman who had the same symptoms. They wanted to do some tests and monitor our blood pressures....basically monitoring for Toxemia (which is something my little sister had with her pregnancy, hers was pretty serious!). I figured I'd be there for maybe two hours. My husband arranged to have our son picked up from Joy School by my mother-in-law, and asked her to pick up Shaylee after school. I insisted I'd be done long before then because silly me assumed I'd be there for a max of maybe 2 hours! Well by about 3 p.m. I was released. The tests were coming out okay and my blood pressure was okay too. I was still put on bedrest (I call it "light" bedrest since they said I can still get up to make my family meals and get up when I need too...just to listen to my body) . Before I was able to leave the Doc came in and said "No baby today, you're still a little too healthy". I was so sick of being in that hospital bed that I was kind of glad they weren't going to take it that day, although my hubby was more than willing to let me deliver that day!!! I have to go in twice a week now, starting with a Monday appointment...and I'm hoping on that day she'll give me some options on when this baby can come. On Monday I'll have 3 weeks left until my due date which isn't too bad. The baby was also measuring a week big at one point so she might be a little further along than my due date shows.
So anyway, here's to hoping that IF the baby comes this next week, that it'll be a healthy, bouncy baby girl!!


Tiffany Fackrell said...

Oh man, I totally know how that goes. I got pretty high blood pressure about 37 weeks also. They didn't find any protein in my urin, but they did put me on strict bed rest, good thing my water broke at 38 weeks though so it didn't last too long!!! Although, it was slightly high before that so I had to go in for nonstress tests everyweek, it was a pain, but you gotta do what you gotta do to get these babies here healthy. Oh and I had a 24 hour observation at the hospital during it all, that was the worst night of my life, the stupid blood pressure cuff was going off like every 15 minutes. my poor arm was bruised when I left. Hope all goes well and you have a healthy little girl in the near future!!!


Tiff, that's definitely a blessing to only be on bedrest for a short time!! I'm hoping my water will break this week...I can dream!! I want my baby to come out and play!