Thursday, February 19, 2009

Memories & Comfort Food!

Recently my mother-in-law gave me a used Bread Maker that she didn't need. I've wanted a Bread Maker for awhile, it's just one of those things though that you forget tonight I made bread with it and made Tyler & I ham sandwiches with it when he got home from work. They were SOOOO good! Instantly I was taken back to when my family used to go on skiing trips. Sometimes my mom would make homemade bread and make sandwiches out of it to eat in the ski lodge. After skiing for a few hours, it was the PERFECT comfort food to get you revved up to head back out to the slopes...along with hot chocolate from the cafeteria!! Ah memories!
The other day I also used the machine to make pizza dough. I found a really good recipe here: it was so yummy and THICK! Tyler bought me a Food Processor for Valentine's (along with roses and a bear) that I've also really been wanting, and I found the best Pizza sauce recipe I've EVER had here: They don't say anything about using a food processor in the recipe, but I didn't want my sauce really chunky (from the tomatoes and onions) so I put it in my food processor to make it smooth (after cooking it for the 30 minutes).



Sounds really good, Michelle!!! I miss those skiing trips. I loved sitting by Dad on the chairlifts. I loved how his moustache got covered in ice and he would try and kiss me. Oh, those were the days!!!

WalkConkies said...

I was so excited when my friend gave me her old bread maker. It was broken! Sad day! But, the bosch is great too! Someday we'll have to all go on a ski trip together - when someone wins the lottery or when Andy grows a moustache :)!


I can't help but think of Dad when I think of skiing, and I remember, too, how his moustache was icy and we'd laugh at him!! It makes me so sad to remember sometimes, but it also makes me laugh. I know you guys feel the same way.

And yes Heidi the Bosch is so great too, especially for nice big batches of Mom's recipe for "Killer Cinnamon Rolls", YUMMY!!