Saturday, May 2, 2009

*Food & Water Storage*

I know I owe "ya'll" a lot of pictures considering it's been a month since my last Internet Explorer Browser refuses to work now on my desktop...and Netscape Navigator is driving me INSANE!! But I promise pictures atleast by sometime next week!?

It's sad when it takes a scary situation such as a Pandemic to make you realize you better listen to the Prophet...but it's still better late than never!? The last few days I've been doing a lot of research into proper food and water storage...and finding unused spaces in my very small home (that has no garage) for that food and water! I've actually been getting really excited about it!
Today I ran across some YouTube videos that were extremely helpful in showing food packing. He also made some videos showing what your food storage will look like in 10-15 years if you don't use more updated ways of storing your food!! I need to start rotating the wheat I have that my dad these videos were so helpful!!

Here is the link to the YouTube videos by P.A.W. them...they helped me feel much less overwhelmed about the process, and the guy isn't really boring to listen to!!!

Good luck with your food & water storage!! Even if this flu going around isn't the reason we'll end up needing our food storage...we know that time will come...whether it's because of a tornado, earthquake, or just merely because we have no family income & need to live off of our food supply for awhile!



I am proud of you Michelle. I wish people realized it is more about obedience than necessity but one day it will probably be about both! Good Job...your Dad would be proud...I am!!!!

WalkConkies said...

You go girl! I'm excited to look at that link. I have some properly stored food, and some that I hope to rotate in the next year w/o the oxygen, etc. And I've had a hard time getting answers on how long wheat, etc. will store w/o the oxygen packets and proper containers. In Texas, I don't think a garage would be your best option anyway, since they say it is important to store your food about 70 degrees and under for it to last long periods of time?!? Doesn't it feel so good to be working on it?!? I like to think of it as a hobby - finding great deals on things my family will eat (spaghettios :), etc.) and trying to find ways to get the kids to eat rice and beans, etc! That can be a challenge sometimes! I have some great whole wheat bread recipes if you want them!

Nichole Gaertner said...

Oh my goodness! I have never heard of a Shaylee... at least consciencly! HAHA! UM... I really liked the name Shaynee and the name Baylee, but my husband and I didn't really feel like there was any ownership with those names. Josh came up with Shaylynn- and I was like "heck no!" :) So I put Lee at the end from Baylee. Elizabeth is my moms grandma (oma) that I take most of the genes from. :) I should totally make this a blog! HAHA!

Love Nichole
ps. You are amazing. I have NO room for food storage...but my husband and I stash stuff from COSTCO in closets and stuff! haha!

Nichole Gaertner said...
